Annual benefit statement (active and deferred members)

Each year we will send you a statement showing you an estimate of your benefits.

Southwark pensions news

We’ll send you newsletters with:

  • important updates, including pension increases;

  • any changes that may affect you; and

  • the latest news about pensions.

You can download these from the Newsletters section of the website.

You can also find any documents you might need from The London Borough of Southwark Pension Fund here.

After your pension starts…

You will also receive:

  • A P60 certificate showing the pension paid and tax deducted during the previous tax year. We will send you a P60 in May each year, but if you need the cumulative totals of your gross pension payments and any Income Tax deductions before then, you can find these on your March pay advice.

  • A pay advice (or pay slip), in April/May directly to your home address. You should receive this approximately two days before the payment is received in your bank or building society account (post permitting).

If you move overseas, we can pay your pension to a UK bank or building society account or we can send you a cheque. If you would like to have your pension paid to an overseas bank account, please get in touch using the address on the Contact details page.

If you make a complaint, we want to provide an answer you’re happy with. However, if you are not satisfied with our reply, you can take if further. See the Internal Dispute Resolution Procedure (IDRP) on the factsheets page.

The Pensions Ombudsman (TPO)

TPO investigates complaints and settles disputes about pension schemes. You can contact them at any time, but they would normally expect you to have tried to settle the complaint through the usual channels.

TPO’s decision is final, unless you appeal to the High Court on a point of law.

You can contact them at:




The Pensions Ombudsman
10 South Colonnade
Canary Wharf
E14 4PU
